Friday, January 22, 2010

"Off" is not my favourite word

Darlings this dreary winter weather makes me ever so fatigued.

I have two perfectly lovely beds of my own, plus a cushioned perch from which I can survey the world outside.  And yet, I find myself constantly drawn to the firm mattress swaddled in Italian embroidered sheets that belongs to my caregivers.

I don't make a fuss, I just silently hop onto the bed and let my mind slip into unconsciousness where I dream of warmer climates. Could Florida be far off? How I dream of the ocean surf....

Speaking of "off", it is the most detestable word in the English language! Sadly, it's a word I hear too often, especially when I've sneakily taken to my masters' bed.

"Off", they say...and sooner or later I begrudingly must remove myself from their place of sleep and retire to my own. 

When I'm back in my own bed  I chortle, "Off...hmmm...for now perhaps". A Toller Princess needs her comforts...and she will have them, by Zeus, she will have them.

paws and kisses